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Wellness Tea

Passionflower herb (Passiflora Incarnata)

Passionflower herb (Passiflora Incarnata)

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The flowers are striking and complex, often with colorful petals and a unique structure. Passionflowers are not only prized for their aesthetics, but some varieties also produce edible fruits known as passionfruit. In addition, certain passion flowers are valued for their potential sedative properties and are sometimes used in herbal medicine.
  • Ideal cup of tea before going to sleep
  • Often used in soothing herbal tea mixtures

How do you make passion flower tea?

Place 1 teaspoon in a cup (200ml) of boiled water and let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes.


Dried aerial parts of the passion flower. 100% natural


This product contains no allergens.

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Hoe bereidt je een lekker kopje kruidenthee op de juiste manier ?

Om de juiste manier van bereiden te kunnen gebruiken gaat men eerst kijken welke ingrediënten er in de thee mengeling zitten. 

Zijn het voornamelijk bovengrondse delen van het kruid zoals blaadjes, stengels of bloemen of zijn het eerder hardere stukjes van het kruid zoals stukjes van de wortel of schors ? 

Bij de bovengrondse delen zoals blaadjes, stengels en bloemen is het voldoende om deze te laten trekken in 95°C water gedurende 10 - 15 minuten .

Bij stukjes wortel of schors is het beter om deze 10 minuten te laten meekoken en deze dan te zeven en drinken.

Bij een mengeling van beide in jouw kruidenthee, dan kan je het best 99°C water gebruiken en deze 15 minuten laten trekken.


Dit zijn algemene richtlijnen om kruidenthee te zetten, je kan deze altijd aanpassen volgens je eigen smaak. 

Wil je het sterker of milder, dan gebruik je meer of minder kruiden en laat je het langer of korter trekken. Meestal gebruik je 1 à 2 theelepels kruid per tas.

Looking for a great deal on your first purchase?

By using the codeNEW10 at checkout you will not receive only an exclusive discount of10% on your first purchase, but you also get the chance to discover our premium tea blends at a fraction of the price.

Our teas are carefully and expertly blended to provide a unique tasting experience you won't find anywhere else. So why wait? Start your tea journey with us today and enjoy the benefits of our premium teas at a special discount!

Not sure if the herbs are suitable for you?

Despite the centuries-long use of herbs in traditional medicine and countless proven studies on their beneficial effects, it is always advisable to first seek advice from your registered medical practitioner. This way you can ensure that the ingredients are suitable for your personal physical condition.

If you are currently taking any medications, do not stop or replace them without first consulting a doctor. Some herbs can enhance or reduce the effect of some medications, so always ask if there are any herbs you should not consume in combination with your medication.

It is also wise to first be properly informed during pregnancy and breastfeeding or for children under the age of 2.

We cannot be held liable for any damage you may cause to yourself by decisions based on information from this site.

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